story short) the folks at Google claimed the content violated their terms. My ads were terminated and the revenue stopped. Now imagine if my forum and its Google revenue were responsible for feeding my family. Imagine if I was earning $15,000/month from these ads and in one big swoop, poof! Gone. No control. No say. No power. It took me eight days to fix the problem, but it exposed the hitchhiking dangers as a passenger versus driving it. For those eight days, my income from that activity was zero. In any driver/hitchhiker relationship, the driver always makes more money than the hitchhiker and retains a critical component to Fastlane strategy: control. I can't imagine running a company in which another entity has the power to instantaneously kill your revenue stream. If someone can "flip a switch" and destroy your business, you're playing roulette with your financial plan. The congenital danger of hitchhiking is that you give up the keys to the driver. If the driver crashes into a wall, guess who goes with them.