Recruit a team of seven (or fewer) Choosing whom to include isn't always easy, so we've created a cheat sheet. You don't have to include each and every role listed here. And for some roles, you might choose two or three. Just remember that a mix is good. Decider Who makes decisions for your team? Perhaps it's the CEO, or maybe it's just the "CEO" of this particular project. If she can't join for the whole time, make sure she makes a couple of appearances and delegates a Decider (or two) who can be in the room at all times. Examples: CEO, founder, product manager, head of design Finance expert Who can explain where the money comes from (and where it goes)? Examples: CEO, CFO, business development manager Marketing expert Who crafts your company's messages? Examples: CMO, marketer, PR, community manager Customer expert Who regularly talks to your customers one-on-one? Examples: researcher, sales, customer support Tech/logistics expert Who best understands what your company can build and deliver? Examples: CTO, engineer Design expert Who designs the products your company makes? Examples: designer, product manager