The following categories of waste and hardship come from Implementing Lean Software Development unless otherwise noted: Partially done work: This includes any work in the value stream that has not been completed (e.g., requirement documents or change orders not yet reviewed) and work that is sitting in queue (e.g., waiting for QA review or server admin ticket). Partially done work becomes obsolete and loses value as time progresses. Extra processes: Any additional work that is being performed in a process that does not add value to the customer. This may include documentation not used in a downstream work center, or reviews or approvals that do not add value to the output. Extra processes add effort and increase lead times. Extra features: Features built into the service that are not needed by the organization or the customer (e.g., "gold plating"). Extra features add complexity and effort to testing and managing functionality. Task switching: When people are assigned to multiple projects and value streams, requiring them to context switch and manage dependencies between work, adding additional effort and time into the value stream. Waiting: Any delays between work requiring resources to wait until they can complete the current work. Delays increase cycle time and prevent the customer from getting value.